Thursday, April 16, 2009

More Than Words

I think songs are related to so easily by people because songs tell the words that we, ourselves, are afraid to speak.

If people were to pay attention, I mean really focus hard, to the songs that those around them listen to, especially when they're all alone, they could learn a lot. A lot they may not wish to know; they may be better off not knowing at all perhaps. Who knows. I just know that I'd be one of those that would want to know, would want to know it all.

I could go on to name the many songs that I find relate so well to me, to how I feel. I could probably tell my whole life story through songs, actually. I just feel that no one would care to listen. I seem to be feeling that way a lot lately, but honestly...who really does care?

I'm learning to get used to being hurt.
I'm learning to get used to being alone.
I'm learning to get used to seeing the person I love so much and to pretend as if they are no one,
as if we didn't have a past,
as if we barely even know each other at all.
I still have a long way to go.

I still have a lot to learn.

I still have a lot of healing to do.

As I said, I'm learning...

I don't know if I ever will learn.

I don't know if I ever will heal.

I don't know if I ever will stop hurting.

But honestly...

I don't know if I want to.

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